After twelve weeks, this is the last newsletter dedicated to WHERE WOLF - because, after twelve weeks, WHERE WOLF has finished being serialized as a webcomic at If you haven’t read the comic, please do. And then let me know what you thought. I’m a needy guy when it comes to feedback. Seriously.
What comes next? Well, I’ll slowly start to work on THE CURSE OF THE WHERE WOLF over the next several months - I’m in no rush, so I plan to pace myself on the book and take time with Debora Lancianese and Jack Morelli to put together the best possible continuation of the story that we can make. I’m also working to finalize plans for a print version of WHERE WOLF and will share news as soon as it’s available. Finally, I have a few non-werewolf-related writing projects I’m working on that I’ll share updates on as I can. As for this newsletter, I’m excited to spend the upcoming weeks writing about something else besides the comic for a while.
But first … Let’s talk about Chapter Twelve - “Always See Your Face.”
I love Debora’s transformation scenes. I can’t wait to work with her on some new ones for the sequel. Did I mention we’re also going to be doing the sequel in color? Well, we are.
I fully associate cornhole with College Station. I had heard of hacky sack before moving to College Station. Even played it once or twice. College Station loves their cornhole, though. This is probably true of most college towns, though.
What’s this scene about? I wonder… Maybe we’ll find out in the sequel?
This is a bit of a cheat. And also a weird joke that I assume most people don’t get. I probably should have removed it because it doesn’t make any sense in the context of reality but I didn’t because I am obsessed with the fact that George Walker Bush painted nude photos of himself in the bathroom.
So why are George W. Bush’s paintings on loan from his father’s presidential library (which is, actually, located in College Station)? And why are they hanging on the walls of Hotel Wagner? Can’t a father just be proud of his son’s paintings?
When I first started writing WHERE WOLF, Lary’s name was actually Lawrence Chaney but he asked everybody to call him Larry - as a homage to my beloved Fletch books and the series protagonist’s nickname. But I am inherently lazy and writing Larry is a whole lot easier than writing Lawrence so I permanently shortened the name pretty quickly into writing the story.
A werewolf in a black duster holding a gun feels like it should have come from a ‘90s comic book. In fact, Debora’s art here reminds me a lot of the Archie Comics’ TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES ADVENTURES series from the ‘90s. That book was my gateway into comic books and I still hold the series up as one of the best comics I’ve ever read. If you’ve not read it, go and do so - IDW put out some great looking trade collections.
I wonder who that guy is…
Who has time for post-credit scenes? I put my teasers inside the goddang book where they belong.
True to her word, Gwen’s story is just beginning. She was my favorite character to write for in WHERE WOLF, along with Sophia, and the two of them feature prominently in CURSE OF THE WHERE WOLF. I can’t wait to share what I’ve cooked up for their continuing adventures.
Or Larry’s continuing adventures, for that matter. What kind of werewolf is Larry going to become? A very, very, very bad one.
A non-WHERE WOLF-themed newsletter - coming next week!