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Aug 29, 2023Liked by Robert Saucedo

I am autistic, and have a hard time with irony, in conversation and in art. I love things, genuinely and with profound joy, that allistic people (and especially guys) tend to engage with ironically. The moment when I'm excited in a conversation and I realize the other person is participating as... idk, a joke? Not at my expense necessarily but at the expense of things I love. It is an instant shut down.

I feel the same way about movies, if I'm sitting in the theater and I can feel the love and craft from a director, or character actor, or anyone else, that can sustain me through an otherwise lackluster production. I think what connects people to the spectacle of good-bad movies is that love. It's unbelievable to see someone believe in, and devote themselves to, something that's not conventionally good.

Conversely, when a movie is going through those same motions from a place of mocking irony, and all the jokes appear to be at the expense of the work, I feel like I have a fever

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